MVPS’s Rajarshri Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic has celebrated 76th Republic Day on 26th January with great enthusiasm and national pride. The celebration included the flag hoisting ceremony and heartfelt speeches that highlighted the values of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity enshrined in our Constitution. The flag was hosted by Hon. Narayan D. Pawar in the presence of Hon Sanjay P Ahirrao, Hon. Er. Ashok Gaikwad , Hon. Kamalesh K Ushir, Hon. Sachin S. Kare, Hon Subhash Patil, Hon Ravindra Kalvankar, Hon Narendra Ahirrao, Hon. Principal Prashant Patil all departments HODs , Teaching and Non-Teaching staff and students.
On this Occasion Respected Principal Prof. Prashant Patil guided us with his encouraging words. The event was thoughtfully organized by the Electrical Engineering department under the guidance of Ms. P. A. Shinde (HOD-EE) and Prof.Prashant Patil (Principal)