MVPS’s Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic, Nashik has Implemented “Water Harvesting” Project under ISTE, on 7th October 2024.Our college has started water harvesting Project by collecting rainwater in tanks.Installed a rainwater harvesting system, Use permeable surfaces to allow rainwater to seep into the ground. Students from all the developments enthusiastically participated.This project implemented under the guidance of Mr. Makarand Sawarkar (Head, Enterprise Solution and CSR Manager, Winjit Technology Pvt. Ltd. Nashik) and Dr. K. T. Patil (Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MVPS’s KBT COE, Nashik)
It was Co-ordinated by Mr. D. U. Chaudhari under the Guidance of Mr. N.A.Gade (HOD-EJ) and Prof. Prashant Patil(Principal).