National Conference
Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology
9th June 2021
Organized by
Department of Information Technology
in association with
ISTE, ISHRAE and CSI Nashik Chapter
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“The learning NEVER stops in this PANDEMIC too.”
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1st Online National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology -2021 will be organized by MVPS’S Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic, Nashik, Maharashtra, India on 9th June 2021 in the online/virtual mode. This will be a major conference organized with the objective of bringing together students, researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in the area of technology and engineering. Ever since its initiation, the conference has sought to serve as an encouragement of forethought and awareness on everything that has to do with the twin worlds of engineering and technology. No matter how prestigious the university or academic institution one may be enrolled in or affiliated with, a high-level virtual conference such as this conference is without a shadow of a doubt, the best way for anyone (be they a student, an educator, scientist, or industry professional) involved in these fields, to get up-to-speed with the – 1. Freshest perceptions from innovative research studies 2. Brand new engineering tools and techniques 3. Developing technological developments being made worldwide 4. Know-how on how to write and publish revolutionary research papers especially suited for modern audiences, and plenty more. Despite living in the age of information, there are some things that just can be read or learned about online. Highly critical word-of-mouth expertise (that you are guaranteed to be privileged with on partaking in this virtual conference) from veteran engineers and tech pundits is only transmittable in the format of a conference, where the best minds converge to discuss, deliberate and discover. Knowledge of this critical expertise forms the thin line between enjoying a successful career and a mediocre one. If you’re someone who is desperate to breach this barrier and enjoy the greener pastures of career elevation, global recognition, and a decorated reputation, then partaking in this revolutionary virtual conference is the first step to doing so!
Step#1Register here for National conference
Step#2Download Format for the Paper
Step#3Download Self Declaration Form
Step#4 Save Your Paper in WORD abd PDF format.
Step#5 Scan the Self-Declaration from in PDF.
Step#6Upload Your Paper
Step#7 Upload Self-Declaration form.
Step#8Download Payment Guide
Step#9 Perform Payment Transaction as per the Guide using payment gateways.
Step#10Payment details Upload Link
Join Whatsapp Group 1
Join WhatsApp Group 2
Track #1 | Mechanical Engineering Group Design Engineering Thermal Engineering, HVAC&R Production Engineering CAD/CAM and Automation Automobile Engineering |
Track #2 | Computer and Information Tech Group Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things Augmented Reality Mobile Computing Cyber Security |
Track #3 | Electronics & Telecommunication Group Wireless Communication Robotics and Automation Advanced VLSI Systems Mechatronics |
Track #4 | Electrical Group Power Systems and Energy Engineering Transmission & Distribution System & Apparatus Renewable Power Conversion Technologies Electrical Machines & Industry Applications |
*Above mentioned are the broad areas for guidelines only, still paper related to other areas may also be considered for the conference. |
The chance to sit at the feet of some of the stalwarts of the fields of engineering and technology and to absorb every bit of their profound technical understanding and insights, right from home. 1. The opportunity to gain an exclusive insider’s perspective on many of the biggest exploratory ventures within engineering and technology that are underway the world over, without having to step out from your abode and travel anywhere! 2. The scope for expanding your existing skill-set and knowledge-based such that it matches the modern global standards widely adopted within the broader tech and engineering community, without having to put your health and safety (in these perilous times) at any risk. 3. The possibility to make acquaintances, form professional partnerships, and forge powerful connections with some of the biggest experts and domain authorities within these fields, which could eventually lead to lucrative career career-growth, research paper publication, research grants, and other opportunities.
Participates will be able to present their paper in the conference and will put forward to experts which will boost communication and presentation skills. Attendees will be able to enhance their knowledge about the new trends in the technology and engineering. New ideas and innovation can be showcased on this platform. All the participants and attendees will be to achieve lifelong learning for this conference.
The Students from Diploma Final Year can Register. At least one of the authors of the accepted paper has to register for the conference before the deadline. The maximum allowable length of the paper is 10pages (including figures and references) for regular conference/research papers strictly in IEEE format. All the paper must be as per the given format. Click Here to download format.
- Participants must upload the paper in word file as well as pdf format.
- Plagiarism must be properly checked before submitting the paper. It is sole responsibility of authors.
- Papers/content(s) already published will not be accepted.
- Selected candidates will be informed through mail as per the schedule.
- Selected candidates must keep the camera ready paper (PPT) with them as early as possible once selection mail is received.
- Decisions of the juries will be final.
- E-certificate will be mailed on registered mail ID.
- Fees paid will not be refunded.
- Best THREE Papers will be awarded from each track.
Time | Activity |
11:00 am – 11:30 am | Inauguration ceremony |
11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Session 1: Presentation |
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm | Session 2: Presentation |
3:00 pm – 4:00pm | Session 3: Presentation |
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm | Valedictory function |

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. For more details visit
About The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. ISHRAE today has over 28,780 HVAC&R professionals and Student-members. ISHRAE operates from over 44 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi.It is led by a team of elected officers, who are members of the Society, working on a voluntary basis, and collectively called the Board of Governors.For more details visit :
About Formed in 1965, the CSI has been instrumental in guiding the Indian IT industry down the right path since its formative years. Today, the CSI has 66 chapters all over India, 381 student branches, and more than 50,000 members, including India’s most famous IT industry leaders, brilliant scientists and dedicated academicians. Now, you have the opportunity to be a part of this distinguished fraternity too.For more details visit