MVPS’s Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic’s Department of E&TC Engineering has organized a State Level Technical Event “Pro-Sensonic 2025” on 18th March 2025 in association with IETE students forum.
Dr. Sunita Patil (Representative of IETE,Nashik Center) was the chief guest and Mr. Uttam Varpe, Director PPS Enterprises and Mrs. Mrunal Dahale, Director Netleap Solutions Judged this event.
Following are the Winner & runner up of different competitions.
1. Project presentation
Winner: Darade Aryan & group
Runner up: Shreya Thete & group
2. Paper competition
Winner: Surse Bhavesh
Runner up: Bhumi Rahane & group
3. Quiz competition
Winner: Buchade Tejas, Patil Yug
Runner up: Kadam Parth
4. Poster competition
Winner: Gautami Jain & group
Runner up: Vaibhav Mahindrakar & group
Total 100 groups & about 300 students participated from different institutes and from different districts of Maharashtra.
This event was coordinated by Mrs. A. H. Kale under the guidance of Prof. P. G. Deshmukh(HOD-EJ) and Prof. Prashant Patil (Principal).