MVPS’S Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic Nashik Department of E&TC Engg . Successfully Conducted Second National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 2022 on 18th ,19th May 2022.The Chief Guest and Dignitaries for the program were: Hon’ble Smt. Nileem Atai Pawar Madam, Sarchitnis, MVP Samaj, Nashik N. S. Chandrasekar, National President ISHRAE. Keynote Speaker: Er. R. D. Adhav, LMC Member, Dr. S. J. Kokate, Education Officer MVP Samaj, Nashik, Mihir Sanghavi, Regional Director ISHRAE West Zone
Madhusudan Gaidhani, President ISHRAE Nashik Chapter and Harish Khatale, Rauf Sheikh, Manish Chhajed, Nikhil Brahmankar, Keshav Ashtekar, Vaibhav Joshi Members of ISHRAE Nashik Chapter. In association with ISTE, ISHRAE and CSI Nashik chapter.