E & TC HOD’s Desk


Mr. N. A. Gade

           M. E (VLSI & Embeded)

        Head of E&TC Engineering

Email Id: nakul.gade@rsmpoly.org

The Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic is one of Best Polytechnic in Nashik. In the year 2008, the institute started the Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Course for the benefit of students who are keen on knowing subjects from traditional to modern aspects of Electronics. The department is well equipped with modern laboratory facilities and good infrastructure. The department has 4 laboratories namely Micro controller lab, Basic electronics lab, Communication & Power Electronics lab and Digital techniques and microprocessor lab. The Faculty is highly qualified, dynamic and experienced. Department is consistently achieving good academic results. The department has strong research group in VLSI and Embedded system, Digital electronics.